Am Montag, 14. Mai 2007 schrieb Ari Johnson:
> Here is a list of what I can see right now:
> 1. Many many lines of output that says "(event handler):Undefined value"
No idea what you mean by this... The debug() output is broken?

> 2. Really ugly transport shadow - it darkens the whole area from the
> transport down to the ground.  Is this on purpose?
> 3. Crash the first time a unit shoots its machine gun.  The crash is
> at piedraw.c line 357, and comes from renderProjectile at display3d.c
> line 1261 which sets pIMD = psStats->pInFlightGraphic which is NULL
> 4. Pausing when in the background.  I don't like this at all.
I can make that configurable.

> 5. User interface is not entirely displayed.  The radar, debug info
> (mission name and timer), and mission timer (upper right corner) are
> displayed, but the console output (expanded or otherwise) and the main
> command buttons are not displayed.
That's odd. I get the full UI here. (At least I think I do.)

> 6. The exception handler appears to be basically worthless.  What
> would I have to do to disable it on the Mac, so I can go toward a
> Mac-style solution to this (using Apple's built-in crash reporter or
> something)?
Just add a #if defined(WZ_OS_MAC) section to it.

> 7. If I go on an away mission and wait long enough instead of opening
> fire to crash under #3 above, then I still get the crash where "the
> build locations are not on the map" at droid.c line 3748.  I have been
> getting this for a while, and it happens when a droid is built by a
> factory that is on my home base when I'm on an away mission.
> 8. I don't get any debugging output to the console anymore other than
> the #1 string above.  That includes the ASSERT message in #7, which I
> always used to get.
No idea why that happens...
Maybe lib/framework/debug.c can reveal it?

> That's all I can find right now, but I'm sure more will turn up if I
> can get past the fact I don't have a user interface and it crashes the
> first time a shot is fired.
> I hope someone has some ideas for what's going wrong, since Warzone
> has been basically unplayable on the Mac since that #7 thing started
> happening, and it's just getting worse.  I don't have enough spare
> time to debug everything without the people who introduced the bugs
> helping me out, so basically we don't have a Mac version right now.  I
> want to fix that, but I just need some help in getting it done.
I'd like to help where I can. If something I changed breaks something, just 
tell me. Besides of that I currently bother more about experimenting with how 
parts could be rewritten, which also might render one or the other problem 


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