On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 1:46 PM, Giel van Schijndel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Per Inge Mathisen schreef:
>> I would like to commit the original game music to the repository under
>> base/music. I ripped it directly from the game CDs, using normal ogg
>> compression. Any objections?
> Which quality setting did you use?

As I said above, I used the default options (using oggenc).

>> The music playing patch that is attached is a quick hack, but should
>> work well enough.
> How about not modifying the code to insert a default playlist but adding
> a default playlist to the data instead

That would mean keeping one music playlist in data/ and one in
~/.warzone2100. I do not like duplicated data files, as that tends to
be confusing.

  - Per

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