Guangcong Luo wrote:
> I don't think any other software company has done that, ever, which
> should be the first clue that perhaps it's a bad idea.
We are not a software company. And we do not produce commercial games, so please
 don't compare us with them all the time.

> Is there anything wrong with continuing to support 2.2.4 nominally,
> like we do now?
It's a lie. We haven't supported 2.2.4 for at least three months now (r8763 was
the last commit to the 2.2-branch, r8283 was the last commit to 2.2.4-tag). And
there is a difference between "latest stable" and "supported" version. We label
something "stable" if it's good enough (compared to what it was before we
improved it). So, we won't say there is no stable version, only that the last
stable version isn't supported anymore (and has not been supported for 5 months,
the release of 2.2.4).

> It's really a rather minimal amount of extra work; I
> mean, when's the last time we've gotten a 2.2.4 bug report?
Probably you are missing the point here (or I am xD): It's not about the
additional work of "maintaining" the 2.2 series, it's about informing the users
of the state the project is in.

We don't lose anything saying that we do not have a _supported_ stable version
currently, we've got a supported beta. And that's one of the advantages of being
a FLOSS project: You don't need to think about all the stuff marketing people in
companies have to do, we won't lose a single dollar/euro. Additionally I don't
care that much about our "reputation" as long as it's defined as "lie to people
so they are happy instead of telling them the truth".

- Kreuvf

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