I'm having a look at Ruby in Steel as a potential IDE for doing
testing automation with Watir.

Mostly because:
 1) all my devs use Visual Studio for their work, so it puts me on the
same platform, gives me good integration with our source control etc.
 2) Intellisense!!!   since I'm new to Watir and have not memorized
all the applicable methods for each object etc.. and also new to
ruby.  Well it just makes it a hell of a lot easier.
 3) awsome debugger

Firstly:  Has anyone else looked at this?  Does anyone else use it?

I could only find one reference here when searching this group.

Secondly, I'm having a problem:  It appears to get Intellisense
working, I have to add the watir code using their 'ruby librarian'
utility.. so I pointed it at the various lib directories under c\ruby
\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems   for commonwatir, firewatir, watir and asked
it to add all the .rb files found there.

In the process it gives me the following error
"unexpected token - '*'   htmlelements.rb  Line 1563  column 20  "

 the file appears to be part of Firewatir.  Anyone here have an idea
why it might be giving me that message?

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