
I have a dojo grid that I want to sort by column. The grid has 2
header cells named stat_name and stat_value. The header cell by
default does not have a 'sort' arrow that I can click. The sort button
becomes visible when I click on the header cell the first time, after
which I can sort up or down. The html source for the header cell (with
text 'stat_name' or 'stat_value') is:

<DIV class="dojoxGrid" id="dbGrid"
   <DIV class="dojoxGrid-master-header"
     <DIV class="dojoxGrid-header"
        <TABLE class="dojoxGrid-row-table"
           <TBODY _zipIdx="22" unselectable="on">

               <TH class="dojoxGrid-cell" style="WIDTH: 11.89em"
_zipIdx="22" role="wairole:columnheader"  unselectable="on"
idx="0">stat_name</TD _zipIdx="22" unselectable="on"><//TD>


               <TH class="dojoxGrid-cell " style="WIDTH: 16.79em"
_zipIdx="22" role="wairole:columnheader" unselectable="on"
idx="1">stat_value</TD _zipIdx="22" unselectable="on"><//TD></TR
_zipIdx="22" unselectable="on"><//TR>


As far as I know, Watir does not support a TH tag. Any idea on how I
can locate this header cell and click it?

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