Was the lack of full support for watir on OSX ever resolved. I've
tried both the built-in Leopard ruby install and the MacPorts ruby
installs and neither help me avoid this error from the firewater

require': no such file to load -- watir (LoadError)

On Feb 10, 2:28 am, John Kolokotronis <johnj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have to get back to my Mac later today to check, but I definitely
> can't get Safari set as the default. This actually does give me the
> same feedback in irb on my system:
> >> Watir::Browser.default = 'safari'
> => "safari"
> But then Watir::Browser.new attempts to launch FF anyway. I wonder if
> the gem installation order affects anything?
> As I did a rubygems system update first, then SafariWatir, then
> FireWatir last (which also installed commonWatir methods - didn't work
> at all with only SafariWatir installed) - I might try that later.
> Watir::Safari.new does work though and launches Safari as expected...
> On Feb 10, 2:19 am, Bret Pettichord <b...@pettichord.com> wrote:
> > 1. What you report is a bug. It should work with Safari. It does on my
> > machine.
> > derrida:~ bret$ irb
> >  >> require 'watir'
> > => true
> >  >> Watir::Browser.default = 'safari'
> > => "safari"
> >  >> Watir::Browser.new
> > => #<Watir::Safari:0x11218e8 @scripter=#<Watir::AppleScripter:0x111b344
> > @typing_lag=0.08, @app=app("/Applications/Safari.app"),
> > @document=app("/Applications/Safari.app").documents[1],
> > @js=#<Watir::JavaScripter:0x111b31c>>>
> >  >>
> > 2. If you don't want to use FireWatir at all, you should be able to just
> > install safariwatir and commonwatir (directly).
> > derrida:~ bret$ gem uninstall firewatir
> > Select gem to uninstall:
> >  1. firewatir-1.2.1
> >  2. firewatir-1.6.1
> >  3. All versions
> >  > 3
> > Successfully uninstalled firewatir-1.2.1
> > Successfully uninstalled firewatir-1.6.1
> > derrida:~ bret$ irb
> >  >> require 'watir'
> > => true
> >  >> Watir::Browser.default = 'safari'
> > => "safari"
> >  >> Watir::Browser.new
> > => #<Watir::Safari:0x113a3d4 @scripter=#<Watir::AppleScripter:0x1133ed0
> > @app=app("/Applications/Safari.app"),
> > @document=app("/Applications/Safari.app").documents[1],
> > @js=#<Watir::JavaScripter:0x1133ea8>, @typing_lag=0.08>>
> >  >>
> > Bret
> > John Kolokotronis wrote:
> > > Thanks for the reply Bret. I hadn't installed Firewatir yet and it
> > > seems commonwatir is only installed with that, not with Safariwatir.
> > > However, after installing both, the methods do work, but at least in
> > > irb, even after setting Watir::Browser.default = "safari',
> > > Watir::Browser.new continues to launch Firefox?
> > > On Feb 9, 8:37 pm, Bret Pettichord <b...@pettichord.com> wrote:
> > >> John Kolokotronis wrote:
> > >>> The wiki also still mentions that Mac installation is done with:
> > >>> sudo gem update --system
> > >>> sudo gem install firewatir
> > >>> sudo gem install safariwatir
> > >>> But that doesn't give you common Watir methods, like
> > >>> Watir::Browser.new - so in that context, how do you use
> > >>> "Watir::Browser.default = 'safari'"?
> > >> If you are not getting these methods in this scenario, that is a bug. Is
> > >> that really what is happening?

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