Sorry for causing confusion in here. I was saying on my first post
already that there wasn't any text_field with id "info" on that page
so that link with id "info" was the only one. I was just on the wrong
page with my Watir, but I was surprised that it found an link even if
I were trying to find text_field. But since Bret says that with ID
getElementById is used for locating element then everything seems to
be reasonable for me.

On Apr 10, 7:26 pm, Chuck van der Linden <> wrote:
> sounds like he should be filing a bug that the page is not valid html
> since it has ID's that are not unique within the document.
> from:
> 7.5.2 Element identifiers: the id and class attributes
> Attribute definitions
> id = name [CS]
> This attribute assigns a name to an element. This name must be unique
> in a document.
> One wonders if the page would pass muster with the 
> validator?
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