Hi All,

I am a newbie to Watir and Ruby. I  use below function for login
process. As per user's Role Rights the user can navigate to the
permitted pages.  Initially user has to click the main menu, like
admin, master, operation... clicking on the main menu will show
allotted pages names dynamically in OnMouseOver.  then he can click
the page name and navigate to the particular page.


  def login(user_id, password, module_table_id, module_name,
page_table_id, page_name)
    @ie = Watir::IE.new
    @ie.goto $url

    @ie.text_field(:id,"txtUserName").set user_id
    @ie.text_field(:id,"txtPassword").set password


On the above code "module_table_id" and "page_table_id" will be
changed as per user. I want to modify the function as simple and
reusable. I need it like below.

def login(user_id, password,module_name, page_name)

I used Regular expression in table id but watir failed to identify the
table. so i want to iterate all available tables and check all
available cells finally click the page name cell. So Experts please
throw some light on my request.


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