There is a nice post here already on this. Please go through that.


On May 4, 5:34 pm, Anu Gangavaram <> wrote:
> Are using /#{value}/ syntax for regular expression?
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 1:29 AM, Prince3105 <> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I am a newbie to Watir and Ruby. I  use below function for login
> > process. As per user's Role Rights the user can navigate to the
> > permitted pages.  Initially user has to click the main menu, like
> > admin, master, operation... clicking on the main menu will show
> > allotted pages names dynamically in OnMouseOver.  then he can click
> > the page name and navigate to the particular page.
> > Code
> >  def login(user_id, password, module_table_id, module_name,
> > page_table_id, page_name)
> >   �...@ie =
> >   �...@ie.goto $url
> >   �...@ie.maximize
> >   �...@ie.bring_to_front
> >   �...@ie.text_field(:id,"txtUserName").set user_id
> >   �...@ie.text_field(:id,"txtPassword").set password
> >   �...@ie.button(:id,"btnSubmit").click
> >   �...@ie.table(:id,module_table_id).cell(:text,module_name).fire_event
> > ("onMouseOver")
> >   �...@ie.table(:id,page_table_id).cell(:text,page_name).click
> >   end
> > On the above code "module_table_id" and "page_table_id" will be
> > changed as per user. I want to modify the function as simple and
> > reusable. I need it like below.
> > def login(user_id, password,module_name, page_name)
> >  #code
> > end
> > I used Regular expression in table id but watir failed to identify the
> > table. so i want to iterate all available tables and check all
> > available cells finally click the page name cell. So Experts please
> > throw some light on my request.
> > Thanks,
> > Prince3105.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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