Firstly, please do not ask two questions that are not related in a
single thread.  This is no different than asking a new unrelated
question in an existing thread.  it makes things much too confusing
for everyone, and harder for anyone coming here and searching for
answers to find what they need.

You already have a thread about connecting to oracle, seek the answer
to that issue there instead of starting a duplicate thread on the same
subject which just fragments things and again makes it harder for

Secondly with regard to dealing with popups, did you read this
1. Before you ask anything, please search in the group at first, you
may get great answers, that would save your time a lot.

 how to deal with Pop-ups (responding to them, verifying the happened,
etc) is a topic that has been discussed at length in both the wiki/
tutorials  and also in very recent subject threads here in the group.
It is one of the MOST COMMON TOPICS discussed here.  So, 'The Answer
You Seek' (tm) is likely already here and you could have had it
already without having to wait (perhaps for someone in another
timezone who is currently sleeping when you post your message, who is
more than likely going to refer you to the existing thread that you
could have found yourself with just a little work on your part.)

Don't keep posting the same thing over and over and over..  it won't
get you an answer any sooner.  If there was someone awake and able/
inclined to respond to your original posting they would have done so.
Posting again in an hour or two just means more stuff for people to
wade through.  Furthermore it's the kind of behavior that can cause
other folks to 'flip the twit bit' on you and write you off as some
kind of impatient idiot.

SO, if you have searched, and read the tutorials, and tried the things
there, then please, Tell us what you've tried and what the results
were..  otherwise we're going to assume you've not even tried
searching, or will end up suggesting a lot of things you may have
already tried which wastes your and our time.

Nobody is paid to respond here.. we all do it on our own time, and
after a while of answering the same questions over and over many folks
rapidly get to a point where they are dis-inclined to help someone who
shows no signs of having tried to find the answer themselves, or solve
the problem themselves, or at the very least having done some basic
searches of the messages here in the group to see if their issue has
been covered before.   People here are very willing to assist others
who are trying hard but simply stuck at some point.  OTOH if you
appear to be someone who needs extensive hand-holding, has not even
tried to solve the issue themselves, are asking for us to basically
tell you how to do your job, or in short seem to have a preference for
using others brains instead of their own, then you may find yourself
largely ignored, or at most referred to existing threads or materials
on the subject.

On Jul 22, 6:40 am, Dheeraj Gambhir <>
> FYI,
> Attached is the screen shot of pop-up.
> Thanks
> D G
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Dheeraj Gambhir <
>> wrote:
> > Guys,
> > I want it badly, so please help me out if there is any scope.
> > First Problem: On Login page, when we submit the form without entering
> > "confirm password" value, it gives pop-up message i.e "Confirm
> > Password- Entry Required.", same is the case with other validations.
> > My requirement is to pick that pop-up message text.
> > Is it possible?
> > Second Problem: Oracle/Ruby connectivity
> > I am using: Ruby 1.8.6 26
> > Watir 1.4.1
> > Windows XP
> > Auto it V3
> > ruby-oci8-1.0.6-x86-mswin32-60.gem
> > My code is:
> > require 'oci8'
> >"mlbread", "mlbread", "test").exec('select * from
> > bam_order.ec_invoice where order_id = 139920') do |r|
> > puts r.join(',')
> > end
> > My TNS Entry is:
> > test=
> >    (ADDRESS_LIST =
> >      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
> >    )
> >    (CONNECT_DATA =
> >      (SID = mlbd)
> >    )
> >  )
> > Here i am getting:
> > c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/oci8.rb:52:in `init': OCI Library
> > Initialization
> > Error (OCIError)
> >        from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/oci8.rb:52
> > Really tired of searching a solution for both :(
> > Please help me out.
> > Regards
> > Dheeraj Gambhir
>  login page pop-up.doc
> 227KViewDownload- Hide quoted text -
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