
I tried all these for below given requirements but no value:

 ie =
   ie.goto(test_site), 'select_register').set
   ie.text_field(:id, "register_email").set("")
   ie.button(:id, 'submit_btn').click_no_wait
   prompt_message = " The form was not submitted because of the
following error(s)."
   window_title = "Microsoft Internet Explorer"
   popup_dialog ="AutoItX3.Control")
   sleep 9
   text = popup_dialog.WinGetText(window_title, "")
   puts text
   popup_dialog.ControlClick("", "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:OK; INSTANCE:
   sleep 5


   require 'watir'
   require 'win32ole'
   require 'watir/ie'
   require 'watir\contrib\enabled_popup'
   require 'watir/dialog'
   require 'rubygems'

   ie =
   ie.goto(test_site), 'select_register').set
   ie.text_field(:id, "register_email").set("")
   ie.button(:id, 'submit_btn').click_no_wait
   txt = ie.clickprompt()   #this clicks the ok button and returns
   puts txt

On Aug 3, 5:02 pm, Dheeraj Gambhir <>
> Hi All,
> If you have free time, please try the case given below:
> a) Go 
> to
> b) select "I don't have MLB account"
> c) Enter email-address and click "Register" button
> d) It shows you error pop-up, i want the text of that pop-up
> e) Then on the same page, Enter email-address, password and click
> "Register" button.It shows you another error pop-up, i want the text
> of this pop-up now.
> I tried auto it but it works at times then suddenly it stops working.
> Please ;et me know if any body has any rational solution of it.
> Thanks
> D G
> On Jul 31, 9:28 pm, Felipe Knorr Kuhn <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I forgot the following include
> > require 'win32/registry'
> > FK
> > On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 8:06 AM, Dheeraj Gambhir <
> >> wrote:
> > > Felipe:
> > > I tried this and got this error:
> > > C:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.3/lib/active_support/dependenci
> > > es.rb:440:in `load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant
> > > Win32::Registry (Na
> > > meError)
> > >         from
> > > C:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.3/lib/active_suppo
> > > rt/dependencies.rb:80:in `const_missing'
> > >         from ./picktextpop.rb:16:in `click_window_button'
> > >         from testpicktextpop.rb:19
> > > My code goes like:
> > > #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
> > > #includes
> > >    require 'watir'
> > >    require 'win32ole'
> > >    require 'watir/ie'
> > >    require 'watir\contrib\enabled_popup'
> > >    require 'picktextpop'
> > >    # open the IE browser
> > >    ie =
> > >    test_site='
> > >
> > > '
> > >    ie.goto(test_site)
> > >    if ie.contains_text(" account")
> > >, 'select_register').set
> > >       ie.text_field(:id, "register_email").set("")
> > >       ie.button(:id, "submit_btn").click_no_wait
> > >       click_window_button "The form was not submitted because of the
> > > following error(s).", "OK"
> > >       ie.waitForIE
> > >       else
> > > end
> > > And picktextpop contains:
> > > #Encoding
> > > $KCODE = "u"
> > > WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8
> > > require 'iconv'
> > > def converte str
> > >   Iconv.conv('CP1252', 'UTF-8', str)
> > > end
> > > # Click the button in the window with said text
> > > def click_window_button txtWindow, txtButton
> > >   # Find out IE version
> > >   reg_val = ''
> > >   key = 'Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer'
> > > do |reg|
> > >     reg_typ, reg_val ='Version')
> > >   end
> > >   @ie_ver, ie_ver2, ie_ver3, ie_ver4 = reg_val.split('.')
> > >   @autoit ='AutoItX3.Control')
> > >   if (@ie_ver == "7")
> > >     @windowCaption = "Windows Internet Explorer"
> > >   else
> > >     @windowCaption = "Microsoft Internet Explorer"
> > >   end
> > >   # Wait for the popup
> > >   loop do
> > >     sleep(5)
> > >     @text = @autoit.ControlGetText(@windowCaption, "", "Static2")
> > >     if (@text != nil)
> > >       @text = converte(@text)
> > >       puts "[INFO "  +"%H:%M:%S") + "] Text found: " +
> > > @text
> > >     end
> > >     if (@text == txtWindow)
> > >       puts "[INFO "  +"%H:%M:%S") + "] Clicking button 
> > > -
> > > " + txtWindow
> > >       @autoit.ControlClick(@windowCaption,'', txtButton)
> > >       break
> > >     end
> > >   end
> > >  end
> > > Please have a look and see if you can help further.
> > > When it clicked "Register" button, pop-up gets hides and it gives error on
> > > console.
> > > On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Dheeraj Gambhir <
> > >> wrote:
> > >> Hey Felipe ,
> > >> First of all big thnx for replying, i will try this code ASAP and then 
> > >> let
> > >> u know if stuck again.
> > >> Regarding Oracle/Ruby connectivity, i faced too many issues but at last
> > >> had no option so uninstall and reinstall oracle client. From then 
> > >> onwards,
> > >> it is working fine. Fingers cross :)
> > >> Thnx once again.
> > >> On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 6:40 PM, Felipe Knorr Kuhn 
> > >> <>wrote:
> > >>> Hello Dheeraj,
> > >>> I defined the function in the end of this message to click on button
> > >>> "txtButton" when the alert has text equal to "txtWindow"
> > >>> You call it with:
> > >>>     @main.button(:name, "CONFIRM").click_no_wait
> > >>>     clica_window_BUTTON "Are you sure do you want to confirm?", "OK"
> > >>>     @ie.waitForIE
> > >>> The code that really matters to you is @text =
> > >>> @autoit.ControlGetText(@windowCaption, "", "Static2")
> > >>> Then you compare the @text string against what you want
> > >>> (@text.include?("Username required") for example)
> > >>> PS: Do you mind sharing what you've done to get Oracle working?
> > >>> Hope that helps,
> > >>> FK
> > >>> ------
> > >>> CODE:
> > >>> #Encoding
> > >>> $KCODE = "u"
> > >>> WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8
> > >>> require 'iconv'
> > >>> def converte str
> > >>>   Iconv.conv('CP1252', 'UTF-8', str)
> > >>> end
> > >>> # Click the button in the window with said text
> > >>> def click_window_button txtWindow, txtButton
> > >>>   # Find out IE version
> > >>>   reg_val = ''
> > >>>   key = 'Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer'
> > >>> do |reg|
> > >>>     reg_typ, reg_val ='Version')
> > >>>   end
> > >>>   @ie_ver, ie_ver2, ie_ver3, ie_ver4 = reg_val.split('.')
> > >>>   @autoit ='AutoItX3.Control')
> > >>>   if (@ie_ver == "7")
> > >>>     @windowCaption = "Windows Internet Explorer"
> > >>>   else
> > >>>     @windowCaption = "Microsoft Internet Explorer"
> > >>>   end
> > >>>   # Wait for the popup
> > >>>   loop do
> > >>>     sleep(5)
> > >>>     @text = @autoit.ControlGetText(@windowCaption, "", "Static2")
> > >>>     if (@text != nil)
> > >>>       @text = converte(@text)
> > >>>       puts "[INFO "  +"%H:%M:%S") + "] Text found: " 
> > >>> +
> > >>> @text
> > >>>     end
> > >>>     if (@text == txtWindow)
> > >>>       puts "[INFO "  +"%H:%M:%S") + "] Clicking 
> > >>> button
> > >>> - " + txtWindow
> > >>>       @autoit.ControlClick(@windowCaption,'', txtButton)
> > >>>       break
> > >>>     end
> > >>>   end
> > >>>  end
> > >>> On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 9:47 AM, Dheeraj Gambhir <
> > >>>> wrote:
> > >>>> My bad Chuck, sorry for posting two problem at one go.
> > >>>> Ruby/Oracle connectivity thing is working fine for me now.
> > >>>> The only limitation pending is:
> > >>>> On Login page, when we submit the form without entering
> > >>>> "confirm password" value, it gives pop-up message i.e "Confirm
> > >>>> Password- Entry Required.", same is the case with other validations.
> > >>>> My requirement is to pick that pop-up message text.
> > >>>> Is it possible?
> > >>>> Please help if you can.
> > >>>> On Jul 22, 9:44 pm, Chuck van der Linden <> wrote:
> > >>>> > Firstly, please do not ask two questions that are not related in a
> > >>>> > single thread.  This is no different than asking a new unrelated
> > >>>> > question in an existing thread.  it makes things much too confusing
> > >>>> > for everyone, and harder for anyone coming here and searching for
> > >>>> > answers to find what they need.
> > >>>> > You already have a thread about connecting to oracle, seek the answer
> > >>>> > to that issue there instead of starting a duplicate thread on the 
> > >>>> > same
> > >>>> > subject which just fragments things and again makes it harder for
> > >>>> > everyone.
> > >>>> > Secondly with regard to dealing with popups, did you read this
> > >>>> > instruction?
> > >>>> > 1. Before you ask anything, please search in the group at first, you
> > >>>> > maygetgreat answers, that would save your time a lot.
> > >>>> >  how to deal with Pop-ups (responding to them, verifying the 
> > >>>> > happened,
> > >>>> > etc) is a topic that has been discussed at length in both the wiki/
> > >>>> > tutorials  and also in very recent subject threads here in the group.
> > >>>> > It is one of the MOST COMMON TOPICS discussed here.  So, 'The Answer
> > >>>> > You Seek' (tm) is likely already here and you could have had it
> > >>>> > already without having to wait (perhaps for someone in another
> > >>>> > timezone who is currently sleeping when you post your message, who is
> > >>>> > more than likely going to refer you to the existing thread that you
> > >>>> > could have found yourself with just a little work on your part.)
> > >>>> > Don't keep posting the same thing over and over and over..  it
> > >>>> won'tgetyou an answer any sooner.  If there was someone awake and able/
> > >>>> > inclined to respond to your original posting they would have done so.
> > >>>> > Posting again in an hour or two just means more stuff for people to
> > >>>> > wade through.  Furthermore it's the kind of behavior that can cause
> > >>>> > other folks to 'flip the twit bit' on you and write you off as some
> > >>>> > kind of impatient idiot.
> > >>>> > SO, if you have searched, and read the tutorials, and tried the 
> > >>>> > things
> > >>>> > there, then please, Tell us what you've tried and what the results
> > >>>> > were..  otherwise we're going to assume you've not even tried
> > >>>> > searching, or will end up suggesting a lot of things you may have
> > >>>> > already tried which wastes your and our time.
> > >>>> > Nobody is paid to respond here.. we all do it on our own time, and
> > >>>> > after a while of answering the same questions over and over many 
> > >>>> > folks
> > >>>> > rapidlygetto a point where they are dis-inclined to help
> ...
> read more »
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