Thanks for the replies.

Here is the code I used for clicking the link,

ie.frame(:id, "IDXHTB").span(:class=> "HTBItem", :text=> "Clinical

I tried using click_no_wait with not much success. (screen blanks out
for a few moments, & when it comes back the click didnt actually click
on the link - no dialog pops up)

I have attempted to use several solutions on the Wiki as well, not
much success either.

So, still continuing the search. If anyone can help me further, that
is really appreciated.


On Feb 23, 4:43 pm, Charley Baker <> wrote:
> It's hard to say what kind of modal this is since the term is overloaded.
> Try the solutions on the wiki and see if you can identify whether it's a js
> modal, or other modal and also do a click_no_wait instead of a click on the
> link that launches that.
> If it's a true ie modal dialog, then try
> puts browser.modal_dialog.html
> substitute whatever you have defined as your browser object for browser
> -c
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 2:10 PM, Suresh <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am quite new to Ruby/Watir. Currently working to automate an app for
> > testing. I have had some success this far, but now I am stuck at a
> > particular point. When I click on an item on the page (code below), a
> > dialog box pops-up. This dialog box is interactive, as a search is
> > done on a user & when the user info is populated, select & click ok to
> > come back to the original web-page. (Note: this app works only on IE).
> > Have the following code on the click on the web-page,
> > <span class="HTBItem" style="height: 15px; overflow: hidden;"
> > onmouseover="{tabOver(this);window.status='Clinical Desktop';return
> > true;}" onmouseout="tabOut(this);window.status=''"
> > onclick="invokeHTBItem('invokeDoc(\'WORKSDOTNET CHWORKS qChart\',
> > \'\')', 'D', 'WORKSDOTNET CHWORKS qChart', false,
> > true);event.cancelBubble = true" onfocus="this.onmouseover();"
> > onblur="this.onmouseout();">
> > The problem I am facing is after clicking the item on the web-page,
> > the dialog pops up. Here is where I cannot proceed further. I cannot
> > access any part of the modal dialog via Watir, as the developer tool
> > (IE) does not show any reference for this dialog.I am not sure how to
> > proceed further from here. Tried searching for answers on the web, but
> > unsuccessful so far. So posting it here. Any help is appreciated.
> > Thanks
> > which is for a mouse click.
> > --
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