On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 3:36 AM, @90kts <tim.ko...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well it appears from the OP error that the return object
> of Browser#execute_script is a WebDriver::Element.. hence my code is
> failing as it expects a hash.
> I'm not sure why this is doing it on Win2K8 R2 with IE9, as I don't have
> that development platform... but it was tested on Win2K3 with IE9 as Chuck
> mentioned.
> I could just raise an error like Jari suggested, but that won't help the
> outcome (getting navigation timings).
> We *could* just monkey patch the execute_script method, but before I do,
> Jari, is there a more elegant solution?
> module Watir
>  class Browser
>   def execute_script(script, *args)
>    args.map! { |e| e.kind_of?(Watir::Element) ? e.wd : e }
>    obj = @driver.execute_script(script, *args)
>    obj.each { |k,v| obj[k] = wrap_elements_in(v) }
>    obj
>   end
>  end
> end

Well, execute_script should already wrap instances of
Selenium::WebDriver::Element in Watir::Element, so I'm not sure how that is


I don't really see how the monkey patch would help (e.g. it would break any
script that doesn't return a Hash). Someone needs to get their hands on a
Windows box in order to solve this I think :)

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