You could try different FFI version or win32-process versions. 
Unfortunately there's not much information provided by you to guess 
anything more.

Jarmo Pertman
IT does really matter -

On Thursday, October 4, 2012 12:56:50 PM UTC+3, Ste wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have changed the environment of our automated tests harness based on 
> Watir. The new environment (seemingly) has the same features of the 
> previsous one (Windows Server 2008, IE 8). In previous one Ruby/Watir 
> works fine. Now we have the problem in appendix a this email, never 
> experienced before. The problem seems tied to clicking modal dialog 
> (clic_no_wait) 
> We are comparing the internet options but they are same between both 
> environments. 
> Do you have any idea? (I know that the version of Ruby is old but it 
> workded fine until now). I saw that other people had the same problem, 
> but I have no found a workaround, yet. 
> Thanks in advance 
> Stefano 
>   Problem signature: 
>   Problem Event Name:        APPCRASH 
>   Application Name:        rubyw.exe 
>   Application Version: 
>   Application Timestamp:        470624bd 
>   Fault Module Name:        msvcrt-ruby18.dll 
>   Fault Module Version: 
>   Fault Module Timestamp:        470624bc 
>   Exception Code:        40000015 
>   Exception Offset:        00026644 
>   OS Version:        6.1.7601. 
>   Locale ID:        1033 
>   Additional Information 1:        ae47 
>   Additional Information 2:        ae478bf014838a6fa0309e6e83d2de6a 
>   Additional Information 3:        0df2 
>   Additional Information 4:        0df2c6d65cc6052e6a4e93596e7f7eab 
> Read our privacy statement online: 
> If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our 
> privacy statement offline: 
>   C:\Windows\system32\en-US\erofflps.txt 

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you ask, be nice.

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