On Monday, October 8, 2012 3:48:40 PM UTC+3, Ste wrote:

> Do you think that this update will require a big effort in terms of 
> script source refactoring? 

It depends of what parts of API have you been using. Refer to changelog at 
https://github.com/watir/watir-classic/blob/master/CHANGES to see if 
there's many parts in your scripts which might get hit. If you've been 
using :index as a locator too much then that will be the biggest hit i'm 
afraid - in newer versions of Watir index is 0-based. You can however use 
an option, which might be removed in some future versions, to use 1-based 
indexing until you've comfortable to decrement all your indexes by one in 

Jarmo Pertman
IT does really matter - http://itreallymatters.net

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