On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 12:07 PM, Gokul Jeyapaul
<gokul.jeyap...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi Yuri,
>  Yes the compile-gwt-dev was showing up the info logs. However, I could not
> see the logs from the DoMLogger from JsoSearchBuilderImpl. It may be
> mistake, but I just see the remote logger logs.

The DomLogger class doesn't use GWT.log() or java.util.logging, so
logs won't ever appear in your console or GWT DevMode.
You can use DomLogger.setEnableConsoleLogging(true) to log to your
browser's console (firebug/web inspector/chrome dev tools); otherwise
you have to call DomLogger.enable() with some DOM element to log into
it (this is what EditorHarness uses).

Thomas Broyer

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