"Splash is an old client but looked like it was quite split from the server
What am I missing?"

That its almost certainly not compatible with the current Wave sever code.

Back when it was Google wave there was 4-5 clients, including prototype
mobile ones.
All died pretty soon after the transfer to Apache.

I admit I havnt checked on Splash recently though, if its had a update in
the past year to make it compatible again I wouldn't know.

On 15 March 2015 at 12:09, Francesco Rossi <f...@schermaontc.com> wrote:

> Yuri suggested me in PVT some interesting open alternatives although I
> think they would still lack the options that Wave has.
> Just to name 2 of them:
> share.js
> rizzoma
> of course they have different functions, but at least they would share
> some Wave dna.
> the point is that coding on top of those solutions seemed a lot of work
> just to catch up with the features Wave has.
> but I'd be glad to be disputed at this point.
> Still, I'm a bit perplexed about the client/server conversation. I looked
> around and just for example, Splash is an old client but looked like it was
> quite split from the server architecture.
> What am I missing?
> On 3/15/2015 3:51 AM, Bruce Hellstrom wrote:
>> The problem is technology keeps marching on while the wave project has
>> remained mostly stagnant.  I wanted to setup an internal wave server at our
>> company and try to get it adopted as the company standard for our
>> communications.  I hate trying to manage email threads that get so long and
>> disjointed.  Wave was such a good solution.  I wanted to wait until the db
>> storage of waves support was put in, which is there now I believe.
>> However, the company has started using Slack and I have to say it's hard
>> to argue against that with a beta of Wave in it's current state.  Slack has
>> a lot of the features I was looking for in wave as well as clients that
>> work on almost all mobile devices now.  The downside is, the data storage
>> resides with Slack and not on our own internal company servers, but that
>> doesn't seem to be an issue.
>> I think Wave is still an awesome product that was ahead of it's time, but
>> now it would just take too much effort to bring it up-to-date.  It needs to
>> support all the latest incarnations of the browsers, which is a moving
>> target now that almost all are on fast release cycles.  It needs full
>> mobile support apps.  I just don't think there's enough people who have
>> enough time to devote to all that needs to be done.
>> On 03/15/2015 03:23 AM, Francesco Rossi wrote:
>>> Guys,
>>> I'm a newbie too and we are thinking of building an entire app over wave.
>>> It sounds really bat that the community is willing to give up.
>>> On 3/15/2015 3:14 AM, ujadatron wrote:
>>>> It sounds bad.
>>>> I'm a "few days newbee" in this mailing list. (I'm looking for a
>>>> flexible open source collaboration framework).
>>>> Do you suggest any of them? (if the Wave will retire)
>>>> thanks in advance
>>>> adatron
>>>> 2015.03.14. 22:28 keltezéssel, James Keener írta:
>>>>> I was going to write almost exactly the same email and decided not to.
>>>>> I found wave and wanted to use it, but it's dependence on the GWT and
>>>>> how intertwined the Client and Server were made it very difficult for
>>>>> me
>>>>> to understand and I moved to share.js because I could more easily
>>>>> comprehend it's inner workings and could build my client around it.
>>>>> Ideally two projects and a documented protocol would have been best.
>>>>>> Much
>>>>>> like how email severs and clients can be developed separately, and
>>>>>>> standards like pop3 and imap used to talk between them.
>>>>>> This would have been ideal I feel.  I've seen multiple people on this
>>>>> mailing list asking how to integrate with the server and there is never
>>>>> a good response.
>>>>> Jim
>>>>> On 03/14/2015 05:18 PM, Thomas Wrobel wrote:
>>>>>> I'll just sadly from my little lurker corner repeat what I have been
>>>>>> saying
>>>>>> for 3 years or so now;
>>>>>> I wanted to work on a client, despite trying, I lacked the ability to
>>>>>> understand the server side code.
>>>>>> There was never a clear separation of client and sever that I feel
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> have allowed less skilled coders like me to contribute. I was
>>>>>> frustrated
>>>>>> when I saw GWT/ GUI issues on the web client being posted at times to
>>>>>> fix...and I could have helped with that. But I couldn't, because the
>>>>>> bureaucracy of having the sever and client tied together made (for me)
>>>>>> trivial things rather hard.
>>>>>> My half-developed phone client remained dead since Googles time as
>>>>>> well
>>>>>> because I couldn't figure out how to interface with the changes made
>>>>>> to how
>>>>>> you should talk to the sever. I had at one point 3 people helping me
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> that project, and with a client/sever protocol we could have all
>>>>>> contributed.
>>>>>> Ideally two projects and a documented protocol would have been best.
>>>>>> Much
>>>>>> like how email severs and clients can be developed separately, and
>>>>>> standards like pop3 and imap used to talk between them.
>>>>>> I fully acknowledge much of this is my own lack of skills, and with
>>>>>> everyone unpaid volunteers I cant expect anything.
>>>>>> But this is my hypothesis as to why Wave development wasn't as active
>>>>>> as it
>>>>>> could have been.
>>>>>> -Thomas Wrobel
>>>>>> arwave.org
>>>>>> ~~~
>>>>>> Thomas & Bertines online review show:
>>>>>> http://randomreviewshow.com/index.html
>>>>>> Try it! You might even feel ambivalent about it :)
>>>>>> On 14 March 2015 at 21:52, Upayavira <u...@odoko.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>>> Wave has been incubating for some years now, and, unfortunately, has
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> shown a level of growth that, in my opinion, would suggest that it is
>>>>>>> likely to reach graduation from the Incubator.
>>>>>>> Unfortunately, I think it is time we accept that Wave is unlikely to
>>>>>>> reach graduation, and should retire.
>>>>>>> To explain what this means - as I understand it, the ASF repo would
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>> marked read-only, and after a period of time, the lists disabled.
>>>>>>> The code would, however, remain open-source, and any person, or
>>>>>>> group of
>>>>>>> people would be free to fork the code and continue with it elsewhere,
>>>>>>> e.g. Github/Sourceforge/etc.
>>>>>>> In the end, this is a decision of the Incubator PMC, however I’d
>>>>>>> like to
>>>>>>> see whether anyone here has any thoughts to add before I put this to
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> wider Incubator community.
>>>>>>> Upayavira
>>>>>>> P.S. This came up on the incubator-general list as a part of a
>>>>>>> discussion on the Wave report

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