Sounds great. 


> On Mar 12, 2016, at 7:15 AM, Evan Hughes <> wrote:
> I would get infra to make us a hipchat channel so we have some place to
> talk casually web interface / irc, but seesm the jira's down. Looking to
> getting this rolling in some way or another by mid week.
> ~ Evan
>> On Fri, 11 Mar 2016 at 19:48 Evan Hughes <> wrote:
>> The client-server protocol would define a protobuf and json rest services
>> so any language that support protocol buffers would be able to make a
>> client or fallback to the json rest.
>> On Fri, 11 Mar 2016 at 19:24 Andreas Kotes <>
>> wrote:
>>> FWIW,
>>> I also consider the idea pretty good and would want stronger decoupling
>>> of server/client. I'd be interested in a python client implementation,
>>> mostly for CLI and bot integration.
>>> Not sure whether doing a client-side C implementation of the
>>> communication protocol would be best here (so wrapper for more languages
>>> can follow), or whether native Python would be better. We need something
>>> for non-Java folks in any case, I think.
>>> Cheers,
>>>   count
>>>> On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 10:52:34AM +1000, Evan Hughes wrote:
>>>> Thankyou all for your feedback and expressions of interests, seems like
>>> we
>>>> may be able to develop some teams together to make this a faster reality
>>>> than just I. Hopefully we can get some more people to express interests
>>> in
>>>> this way forward.
>>> --
>>> Andreas 'count' Kotes
>>> Taming computers for humans since 1990.
>>> "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do
>>> it.
>>> Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." -- Howard
>>> Thurman

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