To begin with, I haven't had the chance to read the book yet but am very 
anxious to and will making the time.  With that said, while I may be in the 
minority, I'd prefer to know about my favorite actors, warts and all.  We've 
got to be very careful and not make them out to be what they aren't and putting 
them on a pedestal - I seriously doubt either Andy or Don would want that.  
They were people and they'd be the first to admit they had their flaws - just 
like the rest of us.  We saw the imperfections in the characters they portrayed 
and that make them feel more like us and that's why we love them and identify 
with them so much.  Why can we not so the same for the actors that portray 
them?  I'm not suggesting to indulge in any voyeuristic tendencies, but knowing 
that Andy Griffith and Don Knotts had their weakness and flaws just like the 
rest of us brings them.    And we know Aunt Bee and Clara wasn't above a LITTLE 
gossip now and then - and even Andy indulged, too.

A Li'l Bit o' Mayberry in Jane Lew, WV

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