OK, sorry for that first message. How about this:

dim allIn
allIn = true
dim errorMsg
errorMsg = ""

DIM strName, strEmail, body

'***Collect the values
'***in the form

For Each obj in request.form
        if request.form(obj) <> "" then
                body = body & "<br><br>" & "<strong>" & obj &
"</strong>: " & 
                allIn = false
        end if

if allIn then
    strName = Request.Form("Name")
    strEmail = Request.Form("E-mail")

        body = "Subscriber Information:" & vbCrLf & body
        body = body & ""

        '***Sends the Email

        Dim objSendMail
        Set objSendMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
        objSendMail.To ="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
        objSendMail.From ="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
        objSendMail.Subject = "New Newsletter Subscription"
        objSendMail.HTMLBody = body
        Set objCDOMail = Nothing

        errorMsg = "Please enter:"
        errorMsg = errorMsg & "<ul>"
        for each obj in request.Form()
        errorMsg = errorMsg & "<li>" & obj & "</li>"
        errorMsg = errorMsg & "</ul>"
end if

Somewhere on the form page, drop in a response.write(errorMsg). If this
is the first time the user is hitting the page, errorMsg will have no
value, so nothing will appear. If the user has submitted the form
without one of the required values, errorMsg should have some the
appropriate text in it.


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