Agreed, I rarely have to fire a client but have done so on a couple of
occasions. Typically I screen the real PIA people out before they become
clients. As I told one person I'd rather be a greeter at Wal-Mart than work
with some people.

One person I mentored a few years back told me the best pieces of advice I
had ever given her was:

1. The client is NOT always right.
2. You don't need to accept every potential client that comes along.
3. Some clients are not worth the aggravation they cause and no PIA* factor
will make them worth keeping.

*I have a PIA factor scale that increases the rate as the PIA goes up. In
many cases, this will cause a decision In the client to find another person
to do their work. If not, and the aggravation factor is not too high I get
compensate for their behavior.

Cheryl D Wise
MS MVP FrontPage
Online instructor led training available at

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter MacGregor  

I'd support Ross in this.


Clients often don't realise what a small pool of people there may be for a
particular skill - and shoot themselves in several places (not just the
foot!) by messing around whoever they take on.

Riva - you never seem to be short of work, so don't drive yourself crazy
with this one - face them down as Ross suggested - they'll either toe the
line or you'll walk away. Either way you are better off!

My tuppence worth!

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