At 09:13 PM 7/6/2006, you wrote:
That's a great idea Deb. Where would the text go though?

Well, if you make the photo considerably smaller (like about half it's current size) then you'd have room for text next to it or you could put the text under it depending upon how much text there is. That was just one idea, too Riva. A quickie that crossed my mind in a flash. This photo is also pretty blurry and I think a clear, crisp photo is in order. One thing I forgot to mention would be to mute the photo edges so it blends rather than leaving it as a stark photo - something to make it not just look like a photo slapped into a page. What's there *can* be made to look much more professional if they'll give you some rope to work with, LOL! instead of hanging you with it.

This site definitely needs a professional touch and if these people aren't going to listen to you my suggestion is if you continue to do the work that you not put it in your portfolio nor put your link to it on the bottom - at least not as the designer. If they want the site to look unprofessional that's their business, if you want to continue the work that's your business but YOUR BUSINESS doesn't have to suffer because of it. Make sense?

:: Deb | PBC Web Design

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