
René Dudfield schrieb:
> Perhaps a good way to test that, is to make a smallish example wsgi
> program to port to python3, using the various proposals... or the
> proposal most liked.
Not a good idea.  Because a small WSGI application directly on top of
WSGI behaves completely different than a big WSGI application on top of
an existing system.  The interfaces the implementations (WebOb,
Werkzeug, Django) expose would not change either way because they are
already unicode aware.

2to3 would go the unicode way because that's what it was written for.
But that is also the one that causes the most problems.

> Then we could see how easy it would be to port to a given
> implementation that supports that proposal.  I'm not sure which of the
> proposals Grahams mod_wsgi branch is for... or for the cherrypy
> branch... but those ones would be easier to test since they're already
> done.
A WSGI Server that is byte only based on a simple one like wsgiref can
be written in a couple of minutes.  You just have to take the existing
sources and make sure a b is in front of all strings that should be byte

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