Considering the number of views, this issue is quite exciting.

Here is my experience. I use RapydML and  RapydScript to generate 

I wrote brute-force parser + made some hacks of RapydML-compiler so, as 
exhaust I receive single js-file with embeded template as html-string.

If anyone is interested, I can describe in more detail. In gVim it looks 
like this:


On Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at 8:23:34 AM UTC+3, Limedrop wrote:
> @Carlos...I don't know if this is better, but it is different.  Probably 
> more suited to bigger apps.  My basic assumption is that if you're going to 
> use vue.js then, ultimately, it will be a lot easier if you stick to the 
> proper vue.js way of doing things.  In general this means letting vue.js do 
> it's stuff with the frontend and leaving web2py with the data and backend.
> Specifically it means setting up your view files like this:
> And using this:
> In development mode I have web2py running on one port and node running on 
> another (node's hot-reloading seems like magic, and you can use the chrome 
> VueDevtools plugin to debug). When I'm ready to commit I run "npm run 
> build".  The index file is then compiled to "/views/default/index.html", 
> and the assets are compiled to "/static".
> In production I get web2py to serve the index file and then get vue.js to 
> load whatever else it needs via ajax (axios).
> A basic outline of the key files are given below.  Note that these are 
> just snippets to show you how you might do it...the code is incomplete and 
> it will NOT work out-of-the-box.
> ====\web2py\applications\app\controllers\
> def index():
>     """ Starts vue.js session
>     The uuid is injected into the html <body> tag as
>     the id.  For example: <body id="14e4de39-dc9e-467f-a28e-9c78bd485bc1">
>     vue.js then uses status_load() to retrieve the session details.
>     """
>     uuid = session_new()
>     return dict(UUID=uuid)
> def status_load():
>     uuid, error = 
> IS_MATCH('[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}\Z')(request.vars['uuid'])
>     if error:
>         raise HTTP(403, "Not authorized")
>     query = (db.vue_session.uuid==uuid)
>     session = 
> db(query).select(orderby=~db.vue_session.expiry_datetime).first()
>     if not session:
>         raise HTTP(403, "Not authorized")
>     return response.json(session)
> ====\web2py\applications\app\views\index.html
> ====\vue\index.html
> <!DOCTYPE html>
> <html>
>   <head>
>   </head>  
>   <body id="{{=UUID}}">
>     <div id="app"></div>
>     <!-- built files will be auto injected -->
>   </body>
> </html>
> ====\vue\src\App.vue
> <template>
>   <div id="app" class="OuterWrapper">
>     <div class="PageContainer">
>         <router-view></router-view>
>     </div>
>   </div>
> </template>
> <script>
> export default {
>   name: 'app',
>   components: {
>   },
>   data () {
>     return {
>     }
>   },
>   computed: {
>   },
>   methods: {
>   },
>   mounted: function () {
>     // The uuid is injected into the parentElement by web2py
>     // The store will then use the uuid to get the session from web2py
>     // and may redirect to the restore_point
>     this.$store.dispatch('NEW_UUID', { uuid: this.$ })
>   }
> }
> </script>
> ====\vue\src\store\index.js
> import Vue from 'vue'
> import Vuex from 'vuex'
> import axios from 'axios'
> import router from '../router'
> Vue.use(Vuex)
> var axiosi = axios.create({
>   baseURL: '/myapp/default/',
>   timeout: 5000
> })
> const store = new Vuex.Store({
>   state: {
>     // put your session variables here
>   },
>   actions: {
>     NEW_UUID: function ({ commit, dispatch, state }, { uuid }) {
>       // At the start of each session web2py gives us a uuid
>       // We then go back to web2py and retrieve the session state
>       commit('SET_UUID', { uuid: uuid })
>       var data = {}
>       data.uuid = uuid
>'status_load', data).then((response) => {
>         commit('UPDATE_STATUS', { newState: })
>       }, (err) => {
>         console.log(err)
>         router.push({ name: 'error', params: { errorMessage: 
> } })
>       })
>     }

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