hello one and all,

its been a while since i've been on here.  that is a good sign for my sites 
have been working great.  love python and web2py.  ok, so, i'm slowing 
porting to python 3.8 from 2.7.  still constant on web2py 2.20.4.  do i had 
some code under a controller that looks like:

response.meta.keywords += (', '+c.keywords if c.keywords else "")

and it errors saying that "TypeError(unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 
'map' and 'str')".  after a bit of investigation i found 
that response.meta.keywords is of type "map" instead of it used to being a 
string.  i'm obviously concatenating strings above.

what the heck is type "map" and how's that work with keywords?


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