I made several small apps, and installed a CAS to centralize the
authentication but there are not enterprise grade...

I made an Inventory app where we can follow the history of a piece of
hardware installed and removed from computers, with categories,
subcategories, sellers, invoice, warranty, e-mail notification...

An app to track the duty times.

Some looking glass functionality (mtr, ping, dig, traceroute...)

I made a program to assist the printing of certificates of wine tests
(http://linuxbox.hu/node/637) it works for me :)

On máj. 10, 23:09, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> Anthony made some good 
> points:http://groups.google.com/group/web2py/msg/a40b27807edc8603
> For now let's concentrate on one of them for now. If you have
> developed software in web2py that you use internally in your company
> but you cannot release it open source, would you let us know? Can you
> tell us what is the software for? Could you provide a screenshot? Can
> we quote the name of the company?
> Massimo

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