
I'm using web2py in almost all of my work right now.

* is all webpy with cherokee and postgres.  (we are
in the middle of a large redesign of the site and i was promised space
in the footer for a link back to web2py)
* the database backend for an iphone karaoke application.  the iphone
app, the website (not written by me or in web2py), and an audio
processing server all talk to web2py running on google app engine.
for more zaniness, the audio processing is happening on Amazon EC2,
and the web2py tool monitors the EC2 instance(s) and increases
capacity as needed.  The website is ...just
don't make fun of that part, it's not web2py (or my work)
* a work in progress with a non-profit company for display and sale of
artwork by cancer patients (to raise money to provide classes and
supplies for other cancer patients to use art to cope).  when it's
live i can share the url.

hope that helps!  i know you can use in your examples
list if you desire, and once the artwork site is live that too can go
into your gallery.

thanks for the excellent framework, and amazing support along the way!


On May 10, 2:09 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> Anthony made some good 
> points:
> For now let's concentrate on one of them for now. If you have
> developed software in web2py that you use internally in your company
> but you cannot release it open source, would you let us know? Can you
> tell us what is the software for? Could you provide a screenshot? Can
> we quote the name of the company?
> Massimo

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