On Nov 7, 5:55 am, Branko Vukelic <bg.bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 10:41 PM, Anthony <abasta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > (well, perhaps web2py is implied in the "...")
> I gather most people are not aware web2py exists. It's too different:
> * Uses upper-case method names
> * Has it's app manager and built-in editor (two actually, and couting)
> * Migrates the db schema on its own
> * Has a wizard
> * Has a plug-in system that actually works like a plug-in system
> * Has 10 official logos (and couting)
> * Has intro to Python and jQuery in the official book
> * Has a weird lead developer that implements just about any great idea
> he picks up in the list :)
> How can you compare all that to other (Python) frameworks?

Exactly. Web2py is in a class of its own!

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