Hi all,
So I've got a controller that builds a dict of strings and returns
them - although I'm building the dict dynamically, essentially what
I'm doing is this:

def getsensors():
  d = {'airTemp' : 'Air Temperature', 'PAR' : 'PAR',
'IMOSPortRadiometer' : 'IMOS Port Radiometer'}
  return d

When I call the URL, ie ../default/getsensors, I get 'invalid view

My understanding was that if a dict is returned from a controller and
you call the appropriate URL, the dict will get processed and
displayed on screen (ultimately what I'm trying to do is call
getsensors.json and process the returned JSON, kind of like Example 3
at http://web2py.com/examples/default/examples).

I've played around with this a fair bit now, and I can't understand
why it isn't working. I'm sure it's some elementary mistake on my
part, but any help would be appreciated.


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