do you have response.generic_patterns = ['*'] in your models?

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 9:50 PM, HughBarker <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> So I've got a controller that builds a dict of strings and returns
> them - although I'm building the dict dynamically, essentially what
> I'm doing is this:
> def getsensors():
>  d = {'airTemp' : 'Air Temperature', 'PAR' : 'PAR',
> 'IMOSPortRadiometer' : 'IMOS Port Radiometer'}
>  return d
> When I call the URL, ie ../default/getsensors, I get 'invalid view
> (default/getsensors.html)'.
> My understanding was that if a dict is returned from a controller and
> you call the appropriate URL, the dict will get processed and
> displayed on screen (ultimately what I'm trying to do is call
> getsensors.json and process the returned JSON, kind of like Example 3
> at
> I've played around with this a fair bit now, and I can't understand
> why it isn't working. I'm sure it's some elementary mistake on my
> part, but any help would be appreciated.
> -Hugh


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