OK, this issue is now put to bed. Thank you all for your help.

P.S. -- what this issue has taught me touches on what pbreit said in 
another thread about the hazards of bypassing wonderful web2py built-in 
auth login/logout facilities when you choose the route of auth by dialog. 
My approach, has been to explore a fully-componentized version of my 
website. What I didn't fully appreciate is that if you take that approach, 
it's an all or nothing game. And the all-component approach touches more of 
the site than I had originally anticipated.

Now that I realize how big a commitment it is, I understand what needs to 
be done to make it all work. It means more work up front, but the upshot is 
a much more dynamic website with (usually) much faster response times once 
you get past the initial page load. The remarkable thing is that you can 
compress a multi-multi-multi-page website down to a single page. If planned 
properly up front, it's not that much overhead to do. My problem is that 
I've evolved to it over a long time, so I've had to rework lots of 
old-think stuff in order to get to nirvana. Sounds a lot like life, doesn't 
it? ;-)

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