Peter Kasting wrote:
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Brian Barnes < <>> wrote:

    My interest in WebKit is integrating my game engine with JSC.  I'm
    far enough into the switch over that I've begun looking at
    compiling it on my own.  My goal -- which might be a fools errand
    -- is to create a win32 VS compile without dependencies.  I don't
    know if this is something that I could give back to the project or
    if it's at cross purposes with the project.

I am unable to help you with this goal, but if you don't care which JS engine you use, note that V8 can be downloaded and compiled standalone (see instructions at ) and apparently so can SpiderMonkey (instructions at , I'm not sure if this applies to TraceMonkey as I'm not in the loop on that engine).

I'm actually switching from SpiderMonkey to JSC right now, for a faster and more modern engine and future (maybe) iPhone development, and that took a couple weeks as is -- switching gears again would kill me! :)

[>] Brian
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