On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Kenneth Rohde Christiansen <
kenneth.christian...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I still don't get it. CE-HTML is a closed standard and not something
> we ever want in WebKit as we are pushing HTML5/Living Standard.

Just to provide some additional input. CE-HMTL, more formally known as
CEA-2014, is *not* a closed standard. It is available to anyone who wishes
to pay CEA for a copy. In that respect, it is no different from ISO/ITU
standards that sometimes cost money to obtain a copy.

> I understand that you need some execution and security model, but
> apart from that I don't see why you don't aim at supporting HTML5
> instead of some custom dialect that is moving in another direction
> that they rest of the industry. Even with the System Applications
> working group [1], which Samsung is co-chairing, the execution and
> security model will get solved with proper participation.
> Also the need for using XHTML isn't that big anymore, now that HTML5
> defines how to actually parse the document.

Rather than delving deeper into this proposal, I would suggest the original
commenter should make some very specific technical proposals (accompanied
by actual patches) that may satisfy his requirements, instead of simply
propose support for the higher level notion of this profile. The merit of
such individual technical proposals (patches) can be evaluated on a case by
case basis, as is the case with other features proposed for addition to WK.

Regards, Glenn
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