> One thing to take into account is that WebKit's repository is big and
> public GitHub/GitLab prevent creating large repository by default. This
> means it might not be possible for contributors to actually fork
> WebKit's repository on their account and then create a pull request
> (which is the standard way IIUC). Instead, we would probably end up
> doing like web-platform-tests and give contributors the permission to
> create branches to the WebKit account and make Pull Request to the
> master branch. Probably, we should forbid people to commit to the master
> branch directly (I think someone broke WPT's master branch that way last
> year)...
> Similarly, public GitHub/GitLab prevent very large files by default.
> Hopefully, this does not happen in WebKit (we should definitely add a
> hook to prevent someone to land a big file) but for example that mistake
> happened in Chromium last year (
> https://groups.google.com/u/1/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/tSOmIfXAP2s/m/H07SmWIoCgAJ
> ) and this broke the sync of their GitHub mirror.

There is already a mirror of the existing WebKit repository on Github, and 
there are
about 2000 forks of it already [1]. At least the Haiku version of WebKit is 
maintained this
way, and had no problems with Github so far. So this shouldn't be a problem?

[1] https://github.com/WebKit/webkit/network/members


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