On 05/10/2020 16:15, Robert Ma wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 6:22 AM Frédéric Wang <fw...@igalia.com
> <mailto:fw...@igalia.com>> wrote:
>     One thing to take into account is that WebKit's repository is big and
>     public GitHub/GitLab prevent creating large repository by default.
>     This
>     means it might not be possible for contributors to actually fork
>     WebKit's repository on their account and then create a pull request
>     (which is the standard way IIUC). Instead, we would probably end up
>     doing like web-platform-tests and give contributors the permission to
>     create branches to the WebKit account and make Pull Request to the
>     master branch. Probably, we should forbid people to commit to the
>     master
>     branch directly (I think someone broke WPT's master branch that
>     way last
>     year)...
> Note that this is not exactly the reason we give people write access
> in WPT. The WPT repo is not too big to impede forking. Rather, this
> was to work around some CI setup constraints (e.g. some secrets not
> accessible from forks), most of which have been resolved so the write
> access is largely for convenience for active developers (e.g. avoid
> having to sync the fork
> <https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/syncing-a-fork>).
Right, I didn't mean that but thanks for clarifying Robert (and for
adding more info about potential issues with this PR/fork-based workflow).

Frédéric Wang

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