On 31/03/2021 18:56, Ivan Krutov wrote:
> Everything is starting and working. Expecting MiniBrowser to use WebKit
> 610. and according to
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safari_version_history
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safari_version_history> have version
> 14.x. However still seeing that MiniBrowser returns WebKit 605.1.15 and
> Safari 13.x.
> Any idea what I could do wrong?

I guess that you ask about the user-agent string.

The version of the user-agent WebKitGTK+ returns is not synchronized
with the version of the user-agent Safari uses.

Actually since WebKitGTK+/Epiphany is not a very popular browser we have
to use different quirks depending on the website. and for some websites
we tell to be Safari, but for others we tell to be Chrome (or even
Firefox). That code is on Source/WebCore/platform/UserAgentQuirks.cpp

From time to time we update the version number of the UA for Safari we
provide, but is not always synchronized.

If you are interested in that the MiniBrowser provides the same UA than
Safari always you can pass to the MiniBrowser the option parameter
--user-agent="string with Safari UA"
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