Here is the last bit of rewrite logging which shows the rewrite and 
pass-through: - - [04/Oct/2013:08:32:21 +0000] 
[][rid#7eff051e7808/initial] (2) rewrite 
'/wa/1/43/1276-GOH.html' -> 
'/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MPMall.woa/wa/1/43/1276-GOH.html' - - [04/Oct/2013:08:32:21 +0000] 
[][rid#7eff051e7808/initial] (2) forcing 
'/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MPMall.woa/wa/1/43/1276-GOH.html' to get passed through to 
next API URI-to-filename handler

Many thanks for your thoughts and I will post back if I work out why the 
AddOutputFilterByType isn't matching text/html


On 3 Oct 2013, at 20:21, Chuck Hill <> wrote:

> Hi John,
> Do your rewrite rules have [last,passthrough]?  I recall needing to get
> the modules to co-operate.  Other than that, I am not sure what to
> suggest.  I do recall having module load order issues with Apache at one
> point, but it has been a long time since I did any Apache configuration
> from scratch.  mod_rewrite has some extensive logging, it may show if it
> is or is not involved in the problem.
> Chuck
> On 2013-10-03 2:06 AM, "John Pollard" <> wrote:
>> Hi Chuck,
>> Using: sudo apachectl -e debug -k start
>> I see WebObjects_module is loaded right before pagespeed_module
>> Yes I am using mod_rewrite
>> Amazon Linux
>> in /etc/httpd/conf.d I have both pagespeed.conf and webobjects.conf
>> In /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf I have:
>> LoadModule WebObjects_module  /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/
>> later other wo-related config then finally
>> Include /etc/httpd/conf.d/webobjects.conf
>> There is no reference to pagespeed in my /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
>> (though it is loading from /etc/httpd/conf.d/pagespeed.conf)
>> I have just tried loading and placing config for pagespeed earlier which
>> made no difference. Presumably an OutputFilter would apply last of all
>> anyway? Still I find that SetOutputFilter works but the
>> AddOutputFilterByType doesn't trigger.
>> Thanks
>> John
>> On 2 Oct 2013, at 16:39, Chuck Hill <> wrote:
>>> Are you loading it before or after mod_webobjects?  Are you using
>>> mod_rewrite?
>>> On 2013-10-02 6:59 AM, "John Pollard" <> wrote:
>>>> Does anyone use the pagespeed apache module with WO apps?
>>>> After installing, this fails to trigger my pages:
>>>> AddOutputFilterByType MOD_PAGESPEED_OUTPUT_FILTER text/html
>>>> despite the following being in the generated pages:
>>>> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
>>>> replacing the above with:
>>>> works ok, but I can't be indiscriminate with what gets passed through
>>>> pagespeed
>>>> I asked a very similar question on this list about a year ago wrt
>>>> mod_deflate, but the same workaround is not possible this time
>>>> Does anyone know why apache (2.2) might not trigger based on the
>>>> text/html Content-Type directive?
>>>> Many thanks
>>>> John
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