Their refusal to ever consider open sourcing it (in spite of how Steve Jobs rants about how he looooooooooves open source) makes me feel even more animosity about the platform.

Which bits of it would you like them to open up ? and why ?

Just about everything i want to tinker with is already open source, because the Wonder project either covers it or has replacements for the closed source bits i have any interest in.

What about EOF ? Do i care it's closed source. Not at all:

- it works perfectly (ok, there's a couple of bugs, but nothing to cry about) - it has a wonderful, elegant design, which despite many attempts has still not been matched by any other java framework (IMHO)
- it's very stable
- it's very scalable
- it is supported and maintained by Apple
- it's free

I see EOF as an extension of my database. We use MySQL - a great open source database. Have I ever tinkered with the source code of MySQL ? Of course not - i haven't even downloaded it, let alone looked at it. It works well and that enables me to build great apps. And that's all i care about.


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