Its Chunk, not Chuck now.  Please start signing appropriately.


On 2012-07-12, at 9:28 PM, Chuck Hill <> wrote:

> On 2012-07-12, at 4:01 AM, Hugi Thordarson wrote:
>>>> I think Hugi also use it.
>>> Is that a point for or against it?  :-P
>> <PastedGraphic-1.png>
> Ah ha!  So you ARE still reading the list!  :-)  Good to see you around!
>> But yes, I've used Cayenne on a couple of projects. As you know it feels a 
>> *lot* like EOF and was by far the nicest ORM I could legally use at my 
>> previous pure java workplace. (protip: never go anywhere near JPA, it *will* 
>> rape your dog and kill your grandmother.) 
>> Apart from the technical similarities, Cayenne also has another important 
>> thing in common with WO: A good community and an active mailing list full of 
>> nice and helpful people, so you never get stuck along the way.
> That is good to hear and not surprising considering that some of them are 
> ex-WO people.
>> Cayenne is still missing a lot of functionality when compared to EOF/Wonder 
>> and generally feels less mature (understandably, since EOF is ancient). This 
>> is perhaps not such a huge problem, since functionality can always be 
>> added—but there is indeed a *lot* of work to be done to reach feature parity 
>> with EOF.
>> It's clear that at some point most of us will have to stop using EOF in it's 
>> current form. In a perfect world (that's the world where I have endless time 
>> and money) I'd do a clean room implementation of EOF and live happily ever 
>> after. But this is indeed not a perfect world, so helping making Cayenne 
>> better and more integrated with WO seems like a more realistic goal 
>> (besides, it allows more resources to be spent on a re-implementation of WO; 
>> something I'd love to participate in).
> Chuck
> -- 
> Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development
> Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
> knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.    
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