Fellow WebObjects developers,

I'm really proud to announce that Montage Studio, the company behind
MontageJS is now out in the open, more at http://montagestudio.com. For the
past 18 months, the team has been building, with MontageJS, an interactive
authoring environment to take the creation of MontageJS applications to a
whole new level.

The technological path toward Montage Studio originated at Apple where I
worked from 1999 to 2010 on bringing the ease-of-use of Mac OS X / iOS user
interfaces to the Web. On this journey, I created a first framework and
worked with other talented engineers such as Pierre Frisch, Mike Czepiel
and François Frisch to build modern, intuitive web applications for the
iTunes Store, Apple Retail and apple.com.

[One accidental send later ;-) ]

In the summer of 2010, I left Apple for Motorola Mobility to lead as
Director of Engineering the creation of a Mobile HTML5 platform, a well
funded project that was sponsored by the CEO. I was quickly followed by the
group of Apple engineers that would later become the core of the Montage
Studio team. Leveraging our shared experience at Apple and with new talents
added to the team, we applied some of the key engineering designs of Cocoa
and WebObjects to HTML5 and created MontageJS, a modern HTML5 framework
that simplifies the development of expressive, cross-screen applications.

In the summer of 2012, after the acquisition of Motorola by Google, the new
leadership allowed us to release MontageJS as open source under a BSD
license. I co-founded Montage Studio with Pierre Frisch, quickly joined by
the core team from Motorola. We're VC funded, notably by Avie Tevanian, the
former VP Engineering at NeXT and former Apple CTO.

With the interactive authoring features of Montage Studio, in beta, web
designers and developers work together in this cloud-based environment to
craft powerful, future-proof applications that seamlessly blend 2D and 3D
content, exceed user expectations, and drive cross-screen engagement.
Montage Studio is directly connected with GitHub. You'll find some concepts
from Interface Builder applied to components, with Functional Reactive
Bindings, event handling, the ability to build 3D components, reuse
components, some powerful and configurable components like the Flow, some
improved composition concepts compared to WebObjects, and the ability to
see in real-time, in your app running on-devices, the changes you're making
to that app in Montage Studio. Montage Studio is free to use for open
source projects and will be available as a subscription for closed source
projects, just like GitHub.

I'm incredibly proud of what our team has achieved and excited about the
potential for developers, especially for you, as you should find it really
familiar and easy to learn! So join the beta here at
http://montagestudio.com/reveal/ and we look forward to hearing from you!


CEO & Co-Founder

Montage Studio


Twitter: montagejs

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/benoitmarchant

On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 12:32 AM, Benoit Marchant <march...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Fellow WebObjects developers,
> I'm really proud to announce that Montage Studio, the company behind
> MontageJS is now out in the open, more at http://montagestudio.com. For
> the past 18 months, the team has been building, with MontageJS, an
> interactive authoring environment to take the creation of MontageJS
> applications to a whole new level.
> The technological path toward Montage Studio originated at Apple where I
> worked from 1999 to 2010 on bringing the ease-of-use of Mac OS X / iOS user
> interfaces to the Web. On this journey, I created a first framework and
> worked with other talented engineers such as Pierre Frisch, Mike Czepiel
> and François Frisch to build modern, intuitive web applications for the
> iTunes Store, Apple Retail and apple.com.
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