
The programs, and are modified to use 
module logging instead of syslog.
Everything still works OK.

Program modbusenergy has a memory leak of 80 KB per 24 h (nothing new), so 
the memory will be full after 7.5 days.
It looks like the program starts and stops a program twice per second, 
because each time I perform 'ps aux' the count is higher (2 counts per 
Currently the counter has reach a maximum of 32316 and does't increase 

I have too little knowledge of linux and python to debug the memory leak, 
so as a work-around my system is rebooted each 5th day.


On Thursday, 26 March 2020 14:24:27 UTC-3, Lucas Heijst wrote:
> Thanks Gary,
> In no means I wanted to be hars, sorry about that. I am Dutch and we 
> usualy say things with less diplomacy than others. 
> Currently I am gathering the information you asked for.
> The good news is that the following combination seems to work OK:
> -----
> RPI 3B+
> weewx version 4.0.0b16
> Python 2.7.13
> Platform Linux-4.19.66-v7+-armv7l-with-debian-9.11 (latest version of 
> raspbian jessie)
> -----
> The weewx programs, and (used with weewx 
> 3.9.2) were not modified so far.
> The difference between version 3.9.2 and 4.0.0.b16 for the data in 
> /var/log/syslog is the debug logging which will not be suppressed with 
> setting ‘debug = 0’ for the program messages generated with:
> def logmsg(dst, msg):
>     syslog.syslog(dst, 'ModbusEnergy: %s' % msg)
> I will let this configuration run for 24 hours and then modify the three 
> files to use logging:
> log = logging.getLogger(__name__) instead of syslog.
> I will keep you informed.
> Luc
> On Thursday, 26 March 2020 04:47:37 UTC-3, gjr80 wrote:
>> On Thursday, 26 March 2020 13:21:55 UTC+10, Lucas Heijst wrote:
>>> I think the fact that weewx can't keep up in time to handle the 1-minute 
>>> archive data is the reason that the memory is filled.
>> I think you are being a little harsh here Luc. From what i can read of 
>> the log extracts you are running a rather complex setup (two instances of 
>> WeeWX and at least three databases). I can think of a number of scenarios 
>> that could cause the symptoms you are seeing and none involve WeeWX not 
>> 'keeping up'.
>>> Each archive record contains 90 real values (doubles) and these values 
>>> are stored in memory (I suppose) as long as they are not written to the 
>>> database. 
>> One hour before the low-memory crash weewx was 90 1-minute archive 
>>> records behind.
>> Might help to have a little more info if you want any meaningful advice 
>> other than maybe this or maybe that. 
>> Are you running with software archive record generation? If so then WeeWX 
>> does not store any archive records (other than at most two, the last one 
>> that is being processed and the current one that is being accumulated). 
>> WeeWX accumulates loop packets and as soon as WeeWX receives a loop packet 
>> that belongs in the next archive period WeeWX synthesises an archive record 
>> and emits a NEW_ARCHIVE_RECORD event which causes that archive record to be 
>> archived and otherwise processed by the WeeWX services. The loop packet 
>> from the next archive period (and subsequent loop packets) are accumulated 
>> to create the next archive record. And the process repeats. So on a system 
>> with a driver that normally emits loop packets every 4 seconds, but for 
>> some reason these loop packets are being blocked within the driver and 
>> released much less frequently, WeeWX will only emit an archive record once 
>> it has received a loop packet timestamped in the next archive period. So 
>> what you can see happening is archive records being emitted and saved to 
>> database but at intervals much longer than the archive interval, in many 
>> cases the interval between these archive records being emitted increases as 
>> more and more loop packets are delayed. Ultimately an out of memory error 
>> can occur, if things haven't ground to a halt beforehand.
>> How about providing some config details? A debug log from startup would 
>> show almost everything needed to gicve us a more complete picture of your 
>> setup. What about your driver, does it interrogate hardware in its own 
>> thread or in the WeeWX thread? If it is not in its own thread it is 
>> possible that it is blocking and causing delays. What happens when you run 
>> WeeWX directly, do you see loop packets appearing, does the difference in 
>> successive loop packet timestamps align with the frequency they appear on 
>> the console? (ie if the loop packets are timestamped every four seconds do 
>> they appear on the console every fours seconds or every 15 seconds, 30 
>> seconds, 60 seconds?) If there is a discrepancy that is a sure sign that 
>> something is blocking. How about posting a copy of the driver?
>> Hard to say a great deal without more logs, more config details and more 
>> driver details.
>> Gary

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