If you want a completely clean start then delete the database and reset the 
weather station.

On Tuesday, 4 October 2016 20:00:26 UTC+3, Don l wrote:

> I found that the time was incorrect in the console so I set it right I 
> think. Then I just went to bed last nite. I got up to find the page had 
> indeed updated. Everything is working but the wind sensor. I took it apart 
> and checked the batteries and they are 1.5Vdc and the solar cell is putting 
> out 1.5Vdc also. I did push the reset button and here we are. After about 
> 20 minutes still no wind info. But that is major progress. 
> Now am I correct is saying that I probably have bad data in the file 
> weewx.sdb so I should stop weewx and delete weewx.sdb. Is that the only 
> file that needs to be deleted? Should I also clear and reset the WMR200A 
> station and let it start from scratch again? 
> Don
> On Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 1:57:45 AM UTC-5, gjr80 wrote:
>> Ok, I am guessing here as I am not familiar with the WMR200 or its 
>> driver. In essence, the driver is talking to the WMR200, obtaining a 
>> record, adjusting the timestamp of the record and finding it is earlier 
>> than the last record in the weewx archive (28 Aug 2016 23:25), discarding 
>> the record and then getting the next record. This sort of behaviour can 
>> occur when you first start up with stations that have a logger that can 
>> store a history. Looking at the weewx Hardware comparison page 
>> <http://weewx.com/hwcmp.html>, the WMR200 stores up to 41760 odd 
>> records, at 1 minute that is about 29 days so it will eventually catch up 
>> (worst case it might take 41760 records being processed 2 or 3 per second 
>> or 41760/3 sec = approx 3 hrs 50 min). You could clear the WMR200 memory 
>> (not sure how that is done - check the manual) or you could leave it run, 
>> once the received record is timestamped after the last archived record you 
>> should see the incoming record being saved and reports run. Once the log 
>> history has been processed the system should settle down into the normal 
>> save archive record, run reports rhythm.
>> One thing though, given the problems you have had gettting this working 
>> with your station, is the old data in your weewx archive in fact simulator 
>> data? If so you probably don't want to keep that (it will mess up your 
>> stats), in fact you probably don't want to wait 4 odd hours, delete the 
>> data and then wait another 4 odd hours. If you want to get rid of all of 
>> the old data your best bet is to stop weewx, delete the file 
>> /var/lib/weewx/weewx.sdb then start weewx. This will start you off with 
>> a clean database and weewx should start downloading the history again.
>> Gary

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