Just a quick reply to say thanks, everything's working again, and the 
wunderfixer option is running OK. I have no idea what the end part of that 
command means, but I can see the result of the daily run in the log so 
that's all that matters. Thanks again for your assistance.

On Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 10:26:40 PM UTC-4, gjr80 wrote:
> wunderfixer is included with weeWX, its location will be depend on how 
> weeWX was installed, it will most likely be in the /home/weewx/bin 
> directory but it could be in /usr/share/weewx if you installed from a 
> .deb or .rpm package. To run wunderfixer:
> $ /home/weewx/bin/wunderfixer --test
> if this generates an error it could be because the currently logged in 
> user does not have permission to do some of the things wunderfixer does 
> so in that case try running as root using:
> $ sudo /home/weewx/bin/wunderfixer --test
> the --test option gets wunderfixer to check WU for any missing records 
> for the current day and give you a summary report of what it found and what 
> it would do ('fix') but not actually do anything. By default wunderfixer 
> checks the current day. The --date option lets you specify another date 
> to check. So to check 17 May 2017 you would use:
> $  sudo /home/weewx/bin/wunderfixer --test --date=2017-05-17
> If you have 6 or 7 days to 'fix' then you will need to run wunderfixer 6 
> or 7 times, one for each day. To actually 'fix' a day just remove the 
> --test option. All of the other options can probably be left alone, 
> though the --query option can be helpful if you think your weeWX data may 
> be suspect, as you will be asked to confirm (y/n) before each WU record is 
> updated (if you have a whole day to 'fix' at 5 minute intervals that is 288 
> confirmations). Be aware that once data is published to WU you cannot 
> change it other than deleting it. So if you have any basis for thinking you 
> weeWX data is suspect, it is best to fix your weeWX data before using 
> wunderfixer.
> You can safely run wunderfixer for a give day as many times as you want, 
> at worst WU will ignore any attempted 'fixes' for data already recorded. I 
> always find it funny that if you run wunderfixer 5 times for a given day 
> the chances are you will get 5 different results in terms on number of 
> missing records - just the vagaries of WU.
> Having wunderfixer run as a cron job is easily setup. Best to have it run 
> under the root user cron so open the root user crontab using:
> $ sudo crontab -e
> Go to the bottom of the file and type something like (assuming wunderfixer 
> is in /home/weewx/bin):
> # Run wunderfixer at 1158pm daily
> 58 23 * * * /home/weewx/bin/wunderfixer --log weewx > /dev/null 2>&1
> This will run wunderfixer at 11:58pm each night, you can change it to 
> suit your requriements, but on a 5 minute interval system 11:58pm captures 
> all records for that particular day. Save the file (most likely Control-O 
> followed by enter then Control-X though depends on your editor). Note that 
> it is a good idea to run wunderfixer at least once from the command line 
> without the --test option before setting up the cron job, that way you 
> know that the WU credentials in your weewx.conf work fine with wunderfixer
> .
> Gary
> On Thursday, 25 May 2017 11:28:56 UTC+10, Peter Dougherty wrote:
>> Hi Gary,
>> I've read through that link you sent until my eyes bled, and I just don't 
>> understand how to use it. Like I said up top, Linux and I aren't friends, 
>> we just tolerate each other's existence and call it a draw. So where do I 
>> go to get a copy of wunderfixer, how do I install it, configure it to look 
>> for every single piece of missing data and then run it? There are about 
>> 1,800 updates that never got sent to WU in the 6+ days it was down.
>> On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 9:44:05 PM UTC-4, gjr80 wrote:
>>> Can't say much other than 'yes it is not posting to WU' without seeing 
>>> more of the log ie from weeWX startup. You can use wunderfixer 
>>> <http://weewx.com/docs/utilities.htm#wunderfixer_utility> to re-post to 
>>> WU. In fact it is a good idea to set up wunderfixer to run by cron on a 
>>> daily basis, I run it at 23:58 each night. WU is by no means perfect and 
>>> despite seeing 288 posts to WU each day in my logs some just don't make it.
>>> As to your previous questions. Twitter should not be that hard to set to 
>>> work, I would be getting everything else back and stable before worrying 
>>> about twitter. The error in the log indicates that python cannot find the 
>>> requests_oauthlib module. This is not included in the standard python 
>>> install, did you ever install it separately? Re-installing it would be a 
>>> good starting point. You may also find more info by searching the forums 
>>> for 'twitter' or maybe by looking at any comments at the start of the 
>>> bin/user/twitter.py 
>>> file.
>>> I think Tom covered the downloading of data from the logger, another 
>>> easy way to tell if the last 27 hours of data has been downloaded OK is to 
>>> look at your daily plots. They default to 27 hours of data with no 
>>> aggregation and any (extended) missing data will show up as one or more 
>>> gaps. Week, month and year plots use aggregated data so gaps may not be 
>>> apparent there.
>>> Gary
>>> On Wednesday, 24 May 2017 11:22:12 UTC+10, Peter Dougherty wrote:
>>>> It's doesn't appear to be sending any of the missing data to Weather 
>>>> Underground, but it *is* sending current data. The station went back 
>>>> online around 18:29 today (23 May) and had been offline starting around 
>>>> 05:00 on 17 May. Three hours after going back online I cannot find the 
>>>> missing data on the WU site.
>>>> This is a log excerpt. It appears as if it's trying to send the backlog 
>>>> (there are hundreds of these entries in the log).
>>>> .
>>>> May 23 18:34:32 wx weewx[1905]: manager: added record 2017-05-22 
>>>> 02:20:00 EDT (1495434000) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>>>> May 23 18:34:32 wx weewx[1905]: manager: added record 2017-05-22 
>>>> 02:20:00 EDT (1495434000) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>>>> May 23 18:34:32 wx weewx[1905]: restx: PWSWeather: Published record 
>>>> 2017-05-22 02:15:00 EDT (1495433700)
>>>> May 23 18:34:33 wx weewx[1905]: restx: CWOP: record 2017-05-22 02:20:00 
>>>> EDT (1495434000) is stale (144873 > 60).
>>>> May 23 18:34:33 wx weewx[1905]: manager: added record 2017-05-22 
>>>> 02:25:00 EDT (1495434300) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>>>> May 23 18:34:33 wx weewx[1905]: manager: added record 2017-05-22 
>>>> 02:25:00 EDT (1495434300) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>>>> May 23 18:34:33 wx weewx[1905]: restx: PWSWeather: Published record 
>>>> 2017-05-22 02:20:00 EDT (1495434000)
>>>> May 23 18:34:33 wx weewx[1905]: restx: CWOP: record 2017-05-22 02:25:00 
>>>> EDT (1495434300) is stale (144573 > 60).
>>>> May 23 18:34:33 wx weewx[1905]: manager: added record 2017-05-22 
>>>> 02:30:00 EDT (1495434600) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>>>> May 23 18:34:33 wx weewx[1905]: manager: added record 2017-05-22 
>>>> 02:30:00 EDT (1495434600) to daily summary in 'weewx.sdb'
>>>> May 23 18:34:33 wx weewx[1905]: restx: PWSWeather: Published record 
>>>> 2017-05-22 02:25:00 EDT (1495434300)
>>>> May 23 18:34:33 wx weewx[1905]: restx: CWOP: record 2017-05-22 02:30:00 
>>>> EDT (1495434600) is stale (144273 > 60).
>>>> May 23 18:34:33 wx weewx[1905]: manager: added record 2017-05-22 
>>>> 02:35:00 EDT (1495434900) to database 'weewx.sdb'
>>>> May 23 18:34:33 wx weewx[1905]: restx: PWSWeather: Published record 
>>>> 2017-05-22 02:30:00 EDT (1495434600)

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