I have successfully imported my 2018 data and the statistics all reconcile 
with my own analysis of the same data, so looks a good start.  However, the 
weewx charts don't show the historical data at all. How do I get them to do 
this, please?

On Friday, 13 April 2018 09:22:49 UTC+1, dhin...@djhindley.com wrote:
> Gary
> Many Thanks for your very helpful reply.  So which setting do I use for 
> the archive interval in the config file? "derive" seems the most logical, 
> but the instructions say that "derive" is suitable when the data was 
> recorded at fixed intervals.
> I do have some gaps in my data - up to two weeks in some cases.  I plan to 
> try to fill as many of these gaps as possible using a combination of 
> downloaded data from weathercloud (for my weather station) and also using 
> the Met office's 5km grid data as a suitable proxy (for the grid containing 
> my PWS).  I will attempt to process this all into a single archive database 
> using R software and then use weewx import. If I need to take up your kind 
> offer of a Weatherlink import module, I will let you know.
> David.
> On Friday, 13 April 2018 02:37:20 UTC+1, gjr80 wrote:
>> David,
>> Variable archive intervals have been supported since weeWX v3.0.0, though 
>> I believe there was a display/report calculation bug that was addressed in 
>> 3.7.0 (of course we are all running 3.8.0 so neither of these should be an 
>> issue :))
>> One thing to be mindful of when using wee_import to import data is that 
>> when you are deriving the archive interval from the source data (ie finding 
>> the difference between successive timestamps) missing records can skew this 
>> significantly. A single missing record in a data set with an interval of 5 
>> minutes will likely have negligible effect but if you have several hours or 
>> days missing it may be a different matter. For this reason when importing 
>> from WeatherUnderground if your WeatherUndergroud data was posted every 10 
>> minutes it is quite often handy to force wee_import to use a 10 minute 
>> archive interval as WeatherUnderground often does not return all available 
>> data, plus it is not unusual for users to have large gaps in their 
>> WeatherUnderground data.
>> If you have a changing archive interval in your data and are concerned 
>> about data gaps, it might be useful to break the import down into smaller 
>> chunks that use a single archive interval and import that data with a set 
>> rather derived interval.
>> Gary
>> PS. If there is significant reformatting required to import the 
>> ex-WeatherLink data I am happy to put together a WeatherLink module for 
>> wee_import, I will just need to know the data format. Only thing is it will 
>> take time for me to put the module together, though I guess your old data 
>> is not going anywhere :)
>> On Friday, 13 April 2018 01:16:54 UTC+10, Andrew Milner wrote:
>>> As far as I know the latest version of weewx casn handle variable 
>>> intervals- so just let wee_import derive the interval from the time stamps* 
>>> should* work (I think!!)
>>> someone more knowledgeable maywish to comment ....
>>> On Thursday, 12 April 2018 17:59:03 UTC+3, dhin...@djhindley.com wrote:
>>>> The import facility looks like the right way to go - but unfortunately 
>>>> my source data has variable archive intervals. Is there any way of dealing 
>>>> with this in the weewx import utlility, or is it best to convert all the 
>>>> source data to have the same archive interval (painful!)?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> On Wednesday, 11 April 2018 17:45:19 UTC+1, dhin...@djhindley.com 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> I have just started using weewx on a Raspberry Pi with a Davis Vantage 
>>>>> using Weatherlink IP. The weather station has been running for 2 years, 
>>>>> but 
>>>>> I only got weewx working from today. All is working fine, except that 
>>>>> since 
>>>>> I updated my archive record to 5mins immediately prior to the 
>>>>> installation, 
>>>>> weewx only shows the recent records. Does anyone know if there is a way I 
>>>>> can manually add the historical data to the weewx database, so that the 
>>>>> full history is shown on my weewx webpage? 
>>>>> Thanks

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