I am running the current release version of weewx 3.8.2
I installed 0.3 and it works from the weewx side.

Oct  4 09:00:59 ftp weewx[26437]: restx: RainMachine: Published record 2018-
10-04 09:00:00 EDT (1538658000)

Mini-8 received it.

2018-10-04 09:00:59,363 - INFO  - rmHTTPResourceApi4Parser:415 - Local Weather 
API push: 1538658000.0: {'maxtemp': 16.485185185185188, 'temperature': 
16.041666666666669, 'dewpoint': 15.705232150809789, 'maxrh': 97.875, 'rain': 
0.0, 'pressure': 10199.801134355374, 'timestamp': 1538658000.0, 'mintemp': 
13.777777777777776, 'et': 0.0030527243389449561, 'wind': 0.24587199993115592}

The status on the Mini-8 shows No new weather data pushed.
In the weewx logs, I only saw the first report. After that first one, no 
entry for RainMachine at the next 3 report periods.
I'll check the Mini-8 after the top of the hour and see if it has different 

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