This is what I have logged in the Mini-8. Is it from the push or from WU or 

2018-10-14 07:35:59,248 - INFO - rmHTTPResourceApi4Parser:415 - Local 
Weather API push: 1539516900.0: {'maxtemp': 7.9999999999999905, 
'temperature': 3.7516339869280994, 'dewpoint': 3.6089869677671522, 'maxrh': 
99.0, 'rain': 0.0, 'pressure': 10251.991351861836, 'timestamp': 1539516900.0
, 'mintemp': 3.7516339869280994, 'et': 0.0, 'wind': 0.0} 2018-10-14 07:52:16
,803 - INFO - rmMixer:123 - *** DATA IN THE PAST: 2018-10-13 00:00:00 2018-
10-14 07:52:16,820 - INFO - rmMixer:124 - *** Received data: ('2018-10-13 
00:00:00', temp=8.6/1, minTemp=None/0, maxTemp=None/0, rh=85/1, minRh=None/0
, maxRh=None/0, wind=0.28000000000000006/1, solarRad=None/0, skyCover=None/0
, rain=5.0999999999999994/1, et0=None/0, pop=None/0, qpf=None/0, condition=
None/0, pressure=101.55/1, dewPoint=5.3/1, userData=None, minTemp=5/0, 
maxTemp=12.1/0, minRH=62/0, maxRH=98/0, et0cal=None, et0final=None) 2018-10-
14 07:52:16,917 - INFO - rmMixer:131 - *** Added Existing data: '2018-10-13 
00:00:00', temp=8.59/1, minTemp=None/0, maxTemp=None/0, rh=84/1, minRh=None/
0, maxRh=None/0, wind=0.12/1, solarRad=None/0, skyCover=None/0, rain=
5.0999999999999994/1, et0=None/0, pop=40/1, qpf=0.63/1, condition=3/1, 
pressure=259.44/1, dewPoint=5.3099999999999994/1, userData=None, minTemp=
4.9800000000000006/1, maxTemp=12.1/1, minRH=62/1, maxRH=97/1, et0cal=
1.224710991726156, et0final=1.22 
2018-10-14 13:20:07,733 - INFO - wunderground-parser:77 - WUnderground: 
station data retrieved for KMAHOLYO15 2018-10-14 13:20:20,293 - INFO - noaa-
parser:83 - Fetching Hourly data from
2018-10-14 13:20:25,068 - INFO - noaa-parser:87 - Fetching Daily data from
2018-10-14 13:35:59,094 - INFO - rmHTTPResourceApi4Parser:415 - Local 
Weather API push: 1539538500.0: {'maxtemp': 13.145833333333345, 
'temperature': 13.145833333333345, 'dewpoint': 4.6101534131210613, 'maxrh': 
56.1875, 'rain': 0.0, 'pressure': 10252.290150817028, 'timestamp': 
1539538500.0, 'mintemp': 3.7516339869280994, 'et': 0.01673103811423319, 
'wind': 0.76834999978486204} 2018-10-14 13:54:37,878 - INFO - rmMixer:123 - 
*** DATA IN THE PAST: 2018-10-13 00:00:00 2018-10-14 13:54:37,891 - INFO - 
rmMixer:124 - *** Received data: ('2018-10-13 00:00:00', temp=8.6/1, 
minTemp=None/0, maxTemp=None/0, rh=85/1, minRh=None/0, maxRh=None/0, 
wind=0.28000000000000006/1, solarRad=None/0, skyCover=None/0, 
rain=5.0999999999999994/1, et0=None/0, pop=None/0, qpf=None/0, 
condition=None/0, pressure=101.55/1, dewPoint=5.3/1, userData=None, 
minTemp=5/0, maxTemp=12.1/0, minRH=62/0, maxRH=98/0, et0cal=None, 
et0final=None) 2018-10-14 13:54:37,936 - INFO - rmMixer:131 - *** Added 
Existing data: '2018-10-13 00:00:00', temp=8.59/1, minTemp=None/0, 
maxTemp=None/0, rh=84/1, minRh=None/0, maxRh=None/0, wind=0.12/1, 
solarRad=None/0, skyCover=None/0, rain=5.0999999999999994/1, et0=None/0, 
pop=40/1, qpf=0.63/1, condition=3/1, pressure=104.02/1, 
dewPoint=5.3099999999999994/1, userData=None, minTemp=5/1, maxTemp=12.1/1, 
minRH=62/1, maxRH=97/1, et0cal=1.3640102006537431, et0final=1.36 

On Monday, October 8, 2018 at 2:06:01 AM UTC-4, 
> On Friday, October 5, 2018 at 6:05:50 PM UTC-7, G Hammer wrote:
>> The Mini-8 is receiving and using the push data.
>> Seems it wanted to go past midnight to show proper status on the Mini-8.
>> In any event, all seems to be working well. No further Warnings in the 
>> Mini-8 logs and the 3 weather sources I have enabled all show a green 
>> Success on the dashboard.
> Great, keep me posted if the data is correct at the right date/time.
> Thanks,
> Nicu 

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