Well after cleaning columns outTemp, dewpoint, windchill, heatindex in the 
archive table of weewx.sdb, --droping the dailies and rebuilding them, I 
still get the same error message when I restart weewx.  I am going to have 
to wipe out my sdcard and boot from a backup I did last week.  Fortunately 
for me the logger in my Vantage Vue has data going back to the day before 
the backup.  What worries me is that the same corrupted data will be in the 
logger.  If I set more stringent stdQC parameters, will the import avoid 
the problems I am having?

Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]: vantage: Retrieving 25 
page(s); starting index= 0
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]: engine: Main loop exiting. 
Shutting engine down.
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]: restx: Shut down OWM 
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]: restx: Shut down WOW 
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]: restx: Shut down 
Wunderground-PWS thread.
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]: restx: Shut down 
StationRegistry thread.
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]: engine: Caught 
unrecoverable exception in engine:
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****  'outTemp'
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****  Traceback (most 
recent call last):
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****    File 
"/home/weewx/bin/weewx/engine.py", line 877, in main
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****      engine.run()
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****    File 
"/home/weewx/bin/weewx/engine.py", line 160, in run
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****      
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****    File 
"/home/weewx/bin/weewx/engine.py", line 224, in dispatchEvent
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****      
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****    File 
"/home/weewx/bin/weewx/engine.py", line 509, in startup
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****      
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****    File 
"/home/weewx/bin/weewx/engine.py", line 623, in _catchup
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****      
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****    File 
"/home/weewx/bin/weewx/engine.py", line 224, in dispatchEvent
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****      
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****    File 
"/home/weewx/bin/user/weewxwd3.py", line 170, in new_archive_record
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****      
wd_data['humidex'] = weewx.wxformulas.humidexC(data_metricwx['outTemp'],
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****  KeyError: 
Dec 13 17:19:28 RPi-Weatherstation weewx[20968]:     ****  Exiting.

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