
Thank you for your response. 

apt show ow-python  <<< does not show anything

apt show python-ow   <<< returns 3.2p3+dfg1-2

apt show owserver  returns info so I assume that owserver is installed. 

Do I need to uninstall things as per the referred post??

  - Start from a fresh system (no other owfs components installed) and 
install owserver and ow-shell:
  $ sudo apt install owserver ow-shell

  - Delete (as root) the hyper-verbose default debian /etc/owfs.conf file 
and use this minimal config:
  server: usb = all
  server: port = 4304

  - Enable and start the owserver
  $ sudo systemctl stop owserver
  $ sudo systemctl enable owserver
  $ sudo systemctl start owserver

Current {OWFS}
interface = u
driver = user.owfs
[[sensor map]]
outTemp = /uncached/28.6E175D040000/temperature

Do I just need to change the "u" to localhost:4304 or any other changes 
need to be made??

Sorry for all of the questions as I said that I design hardware and am 
familiar with Windows. Linux is a new experience for me. 
Then again, I might as well spend the time at home learning new things. :)

Thanks again.

On Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 7:03:00 PM UTC-4, Glenn McKechnie wrote:
> On 17/04/2020, michael form < <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > I am using a DS9490R USB to 1-Wire controller, not the 1-Wire interface 
> on 
> > the Pi using a GPIO pin. 
> > 
> > So, no, I did not configure it using raspi-config. 
> > 
> > The answer is probably something simple related to the Pi or Buster 
> since 
> > the same configuration works on an old PC running Linux. 
> Your problem sounds very like the one encountered by Howard Walter and 
> described at "weewx-owfs failure with new Raspbian Stretch" 
> That link points to the last post in the thread with a confirmed 
> solution. Step through the method there and see if it then works 
> again. 
> In short, everything was setup as it should have been (as it was when 
> working before) except for those same error messages. 
> Dec  7 17:35:26 wx OWFS[23185]: DEFAULT: owlib.c:(208) Cannot open USB 
> bus master 
> Dec  7 17:35:26 wx OWFS[23185]: DEFAULT: owlib.c:(52) No valid 1-wire 
> buses found 
> Dec  7 17:35:26 wx OWFS[23185]: import of driver failed:  (<class 
> 'ow.exNoController'>) 
> The solution is to install and run owserver, then point to use 
> that through ' interface = localhost:4304 ' rather than ' interface = 
> u '. It still uses the usb dongle, just via a different route. 
> Before you implement that change. What version of python-ow and 
> owserver (if installed) are you running at the moment? 
> apt show ow-python 
> apt show python-ow 
> also run them after the change has been implemented to catch owserver 
> if it was missing (and any update to python-ow.) 
> And, can you also post the section from weewx.conf that lists your 
> OWFS configuration ... [OWFS] 
> Good luck! 
> -- 
> Cheers 
>  Glenn 
> rorpi - read only raspberry pi & various weewx addons 

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