Sébastien Bouillon <sebastien.bouil...@gmail.com> writes:

> This is an important criterion that I hadn't thought of taking into 
> account. Meteostick does not fit this criterion
> I ask myself 2 questions :
> - When the raspberry is turned off and on, does the data-logger 
> automatically return any missing data? I read that it was interesting to 
> put an RTC module on the raspberry. Is it to avoid problem in this type of 
> situation?

When you have a Davis in-console logger, and you turn off the weewx
computer, and wait a few hours:

  The logger continues to record archive records (typically the interval
  is set to 5 minutes).

  When the weewx computer starts, it obtains from the datalogger the
  archive records that are in the datalogger and not in the weewx
  database, and puts them in the database.

It is true that a computer running with the wrong time and running the
weewx code to extract archive records causes a lot of trouble.  So the
real requirement is that the computer have the right time before it runs
weewx.  On normal computers, there is a "RTC" which is a clock with a
battery and it is read at boot, so the time is close.  On a RPI, or
similar low-end single-board devices, these are often not present.
Depending on OS and configuration, time at boot can be in 1970, around
the time the computer was last shut down, or probably something else.

The two approaches discussed on the list are:

  Get a RTC device for the RPI.  They don't cost much, and then the time
  is correct (close enough) at boot.  This is the standard approach and
  the most frequent recommmendation.

  Set up NTP, and write a script that makes sure that the computer is
  synchronized before starting weewx.  (This is what I'm doing.)

(It's not clear to me that the lack of clock has to be a problem, as the
archive records have timestamps, but that's a separate discussion that
needs a patch to make it work anyway, not ungrounded discussion.)

> - Is it necessary to regularly update the Davis data-logger firmware: 
> https://support.davisinstruments.com/article/o3dfmlmgsp-weather-link-ip-data-logger-firmware-1-1
> -5-windows

I have never updated firmware on my serial logger.  The logger is
plugged into the console and has a serial attached to my weewx computer.
Therefore my logger does not talk to the Internet at all (which I think
is a feature!).  The Weatherlink IP is a more complicated device that
talks to the internet, so there being firmware updates makes sense.

It seems there is now "Weatherlink Live":
and I am unclear if one can use it without the cloud (meaning if you
firewall it from Davis's systems, will it still work locally).

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