Evening all

I'm having a few challenges with an installation and configuration of weewx 
on a Raspberry Pi. Here is an overview of what im trying to do and what ive 

Ive got a WH6006 Weather Station. It is a cellular system in that it 
connects to the internet with mobile data. I'm wanting to connect it to a 
Pi4 running Weewx. Initially i want to be able to monitor the weather using 
Weewx, but ultimately i need to get the data off the weather station in 
excel or csv format and save it to OneDrive. From there i'll use Power 
Query to process it.

After a few attempts i had managed to get Weewx running on the Pi with the 
Simulator (but now that seems to have stopped too??). I have installed the 
Interceptor driver, but at that time i was still getting Simulator data, 
despite making the necessary changes to the config file. (station-type = 

I've set up a (temporary) DNS and configured the router/modem.

I've set up port forwarding on the router for the Pi. Also added port = 
8000 to the config file.

The challenge i'm having is i still cant get the console to talk to Weewx.

Ive set device_type = observer

I stopped and restarted weewx a number of times to effect the changes.

I'm a novice with this stuff but got some great help from gelfert back on 
the wxforum. He's been great.

Lastly, i have managed to get the station to upload to WU and retrieve the 
data with the API. Its works, but not the ideal system. Its fine for a 

Any help in completing my configuration would be really great.

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